Saturday 20 July 2019


Droppers The Name That come from using another pigeon to attract your Pigeons to Land or Come down to the Loft.
How this works is that when one see’s another Pigeon landing they all want to land (Copy Cat) Landing. Weather it is in a tree near by or on the house roof.
You can use any pigeon for a Dropper as long as you train it the correct way. If you don’t train it it a way you want it will be completely useless to you and you accomplishment and the purpose for why you have a Dropper for.
Your Dropper Needs to be able to fly approximately 30 meters and Not able to fly much at all. On a Race Day your dropper is no good if it fly’s around with your birds and it plays around if it’s a cock bird or a hen wanting to Mate.

Your Dropper needs to be release from you, where you are positioned on race day when a bird has just come home and continues to fly around the Loft as the Race Bird do if they are to fit or scared on return. The Dropper needs to attract the incoming race bird and go directly back into the loft, This is where the Race bird on the day follows your dropper.
Practice trial and error is the best way to find out if this works for you. With the combination of you Training Race birds and the Use of the Dropper will encourage you Pigeons for a faster trapping method.
I have tried several Show Pigeons as Droppers. Fantails ar the Better Dropper to use, I have use Medina’s,The American Racing Pigeon, Show Homers, and Nuns. It seems that these type of Pigeons. at the start do not fly much at all But when you introduce them to fly That the surprise is that they Fly a little better than expected.
Most or All Show Pigeons are readily Caged for life and are positioned in Show pens. Thus is why they are Show pigeons
The Fantail is the Better Pigeon to train for a dropper, They do not fly much or not at all. But in saying this I have seen them Fly for a good period of time and that differs.
The fantail pictured above are more susceptible for not flying due to the position of the head that continues to bend back into position near the tail. This makes it harder for the bird to fly, I have seen the fantail Pigeon Near fall backwards due to the strong erg to stand up straight and forcing the head right back causing them to near back flip.
This makes them a none flying pigeon and will make a better dropper. Training the Dropper is the same as training you Race Birds feeding with your Race Birds and So on.
The dropper will need to socialize with your Race Birds so the know who the Dropper is, like most animals.
Don’t let the Dropper Mate with any of your Race Birds if Possible sometimes this is easier said than done. You may have to separate it into a separate pen or have a Mate for it is a better solution to this as a pigeon mates for a life time. But is saying this a Pigeon Will still Mate with another Pigeon or Evan play around behinds one’s back.
While Feeding with your race birds nothing has changed you may want not to release the dropper out when releasing your race birds out for a fly around the Loft. So hold him/Her back release all your youngsters out.
When you are ready for your birds to come in after a fly or when they are starting to come down, With holding your Dropper from a distance your position near the Loft as you birds are coming into a landing flight (Patton) release you Dropper.
Your Race Birds Will see this and will follow your dropper to the Loft ( Roof , Landing Pad ) or What trapping you have. Make sure you have food in the Loft so the dropper will know to Go Straight into the Loft.
If you have 2 Droppers Be ready to use the second one, If the First one fails to attract you Young Race Birds, Remember to Release the Dropper while your Race birds are in their Landing position and are coming in.

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