Saturday 20 July 2019



These are just a sample of What Pigeon Diseases that you will confront while Racing Pigeons.

Don't be nihilistic and think that your birds will not get ill and sick and may even die from a disease.

There are many reasons why your Racing Pigeons can get ill, Rain Water getting into your loft and dropping are getting wet. Food is Getting wet which can cause Canker, Droppings in youR Pigeon Water or Food.

Think about it Would you eat and Drink if some one or some other animal passed on your plate.?

Other than that Other peoples pigeons are not the healthiest and may very well be infected, other out door birds such as Starlings/Sparrows/the common Pigeon and dove may also carry the disease with them.

I will start with some common diseases in pigeons, I positive that in your time of owning pigeons that you will come across one or the other.

If at any stage you wold like to dig dipper into the disease I have provided a Link to under SOURCE WEBSITE.

Trichomonas gallinae is a cosmopolitan parasite of pigeons and doves. Other birds such as domestic and wild turkeys, chickens, raptors (hawks, golden eagle, etc.) may also become infected. The disease in pigeons is commonly called canker. The same condition in birds of prey is called frounce.

Trichomoniasis is caused by infection with the parasitic protozoa Trichomonas gallinae. This protozoa has variable pathogenicity (ability to cause disease). Transmission of the protozoa is by bird to bird contact or by contact with infected litter, such as grit and sand and through their feed or water.


You can search a lot of Information on Google for more photos and information on sick pigeons for their prevention and treaments.

How do you treat cankers in pigeons?

  • Flagyl (Metronidazole) 20% Powder. Water soluble treatment for canker - available in 100 grams. ...
  • Metronidazole Tablets 60 mg. Treat birds individually for canker. ...
  • Canker Max. ...
  • Tricho Cocci Plus. ...
  • Ronidazole Tablets - 30 mg. ...
  • Emtryl (Dimetridazole) Tablets 10 mg. ...
  • 5 in 1 Treatment. ...
  • Ridzol S – 20%

Emtryl Soluble  Powder For Canker in Pigeons

What is coccidiosis in pigeons?

Coccidiosis is an enteric disease caused by single-cell organisms called protozoans that affects the intestines of pigeons. ... The disease will be most severe in young birds, and can wreak havoc among flocks that have not previously been exposed.
It is caused by a microscopic parasite called coccidia that is transmitted via the droppings from infected birds. ... All birds are at risk, but growing birds and young adults ages 3 to 5 weeks old seem most susceptible.

Signs of a Coccidiosis infection in pigeons include: Loss of appetite and weight-loss. Birds sit puffed up on perches with a lack of energy or motivation. Droppings are usually extremely loose, greenish in color, and may turn very watery. Death can occur in young birds.

Several products are effective for treating coccidiosis; these include amprolium (Amprol® or Corid®) as well as decoquinate (Deccox®).
Coccidiosis prevention
  • Ensure water is clean and fresh.
  • Keep feeding areas clean and dry and don't throw food on the ground where it can be contaminated.
  • Ensure your girls have enough space – coccidiosis will take off in an overcrowded area. ...
  • Provide medicated starter feed for chicks.
    Pigeon Mycoplasma

Also a cause of respiratory infections, mycoplasma can infect pigeons in their respiratory tract. The symptoms of a mycoplasma infection are the same as those of a chlamydia and other respiratory infections so depending on the part of the respiratory tract that is infected, you may see nasal discharge, coughing, sneezing and other symptoms.

Stress is again the primary reason why a pigeon will show symptoms of mycoplasma. Therefore, managing a clean, stress-free, ideal environment for your pigeon is crucial in keeping your bird healthy.

E. Coli the greatest bad dream among the youths of the pigeon fancier. Additionally called "Youthful fowl affliction", Adeno-Coli. E. Coli is, these days, additionally surely understood with regards to people and our own (tainted) nourishment sources.

As we as a whole know, E. Coli is a hurtful bacterium which can disastrously affect our wellbeing. In this blog article we might want to caution you about the consequences for pigeons and advise you about the side effects and medications of E. Coli for pigeons.

Side effects

For the individuals who have never experienced E. Coli (which is practically inconceivable), you can perceive this bacterium with the accompanying side effects are as per the following:

Non-listening pigeons; when they don't come into the Loft.

Vomiting of the feed

Thin and vile olive-green droppings

No legitimate absorption of the feed, the harvest remains full.

Rank acrid fragrance in the space.

Be careful: After a couple of days, these manifestations will deteriorate. What's more, because of the decrease of body obstruction, an infection can be included, bringing about death.


This is awful and can be unpleasant for the pigeon fancier. All things considered, we didn't breed or obtained our adored pigeons so as to lose them before the races have begun. How does this emerge? And furthermore significant, how can one get off? Another story will be the point at which a terrible infection is included.

Reason for defilement

By keeping the concentrated pigeons, we frequently observe that fanciers place such a large number of pigeons in a space together. Another significant viewpoint is the feeling of anxiety during the times of first obscuring, the difference in feed piece and afterward basketing for the preparation flights.

Stress causes a flimsiness in the digestion of the pigeon's body. The body's very own obstruction is thusly being tried.

A minute whereby body's obstruction is debilitated, will allow the E-coli microscopic organisms to take the advantage. These microorganisms can be restored effectively with, for instance, the Para blend of Travipharma.

This item comprises of various well-working anti-microbials which dispose of the microorganisms promptly and don't hurt the pigeon. The extraordinary equation of nutrients has been included request to make the state of the pigeon far and away superior. Notwithstanding the fast recuperation, it is apparent to complete the treatment as recommended.


It's another story when there is horrendous infection included. As you may presumably know, an infection – as opposed to microscopic organisms – can't be controlled or relieved by any sort of anti-infection agents. For this situation, the main plausibility at that point is to trust that the infection will go by and battle the reactions and extra bacterial diseases or smother these with Para blend or Turbo Disinfect Oral.

This item is the cure so as to anticipate different diseases as Trichomoniasis, Coccidiosis and Paratyfus. It's a sheltered and characteristic item, which is delivered under exacting GMP-and quality necessities.

Anticipating is in every case better at that point restoring. When putting off the adolescents, you can serve them the initial 14 days an opposition expanding specialist, for example, Turbo Disinfect Oral; Forte Vita or Provibac. Just Turbo Disinfect and Travi Allicine in addition to are likewise eliminating microscopic organisms and protozoans.

[Conclusie/Slottekst–50 - 100 woorden]


Try not to let E.Coli ruin your pigeon stock! Be proactive, pay special mind to the indications. Act rapidly, fix pigeons that are casualties of the microorganisms and ensure infections get no opportunity to do them any more damage.

Yet, most importantly, keep your pigeons from getting to be wiped out. Guarantee their wellbeing by reinforcing their safe framework with the privilege qualified items. Do despite everything you have an inquiry with respect to E.Coli or counteractive action? We are glad to educate you.

Source Here

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